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Towson, MD Employment Lawyers

Employment Law Attorneys in Towson for Family Medical Leave and Disability Accommodations

Employees may be affected by different types of legal issues at various stages of their careers. They may need to respond to unfair treatment by employers or assert their rights in the workplace. The attorneys at Freedman Law, LLC are dedicated to helping employees in Towson, Maryland understand and protect their rights. We can provide comprehensive legal support to ensure that employees receive the fair treatment they deserve, and we can also assist employers in addressing legal issues related to employees.

Protecting Your Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Employees who work for qualifying employers, which generally include employers with at least 50 employees, have the right to take unpaid leave for specific medical or family-related reasons. Employees may take up to 12 weeks of family medical leave without pay, and they will be able to return to their jobs or to equivalent positions with the same employer. Despite the protections offered by the FMLA, employees may encounter resistance from their employers when requesting leave. Some employers may deny requests for leave, refuse to allow employees to return to work, or penalize employees through retaliation or wrongful termination.

Freedman Law, LLC can assist employees in Towson by helping them understand their rights and working to address the harm they have suffered because an employer has denied or interferes with their right to take leave. If your rights under the FMLA have been violated, our lawyers can work with you to hold your employer accountable and seek remedies such as job reinstatement or compensation for lost wages.

Addressing Legal Concerns Regarding Disability Accommodations

Employees with disabilities are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations when requested. Employees may request accommodations that will enable them to perform their job duties, such as modified work schedules, assistive devices, or changes to the work environment.

Freedman Law, LLC provides legal assistance to employees in Towson who have been denied disability accommodations or have experienced retaliation in response to these requests. Our attorneys can help employees ensure that their rights are upheld and pursue legal claims to secure the necessary accommodations or recover compensation for harm suffered due to an employer's illegal actions.

Protecting Against Retaliation, Wrongful Termination, and Discrimination

Employers may violate the rights of employees by engaging in illegal actions. These violations may include retaliation for engaging in certain activities, such as requesting disability accommodations or reporting workplace safety violations. Freedman Law, LLC can help employees take legal action to hold employers accountable for illegal retaliation.

Employees may also be wrongfully terminated for discriminatory reasons, for exercising their rights to take family medical leave, or in retaliation for reporting workplace misconduct. Freedman Law, LLC can assist employees in seeking compensation or reinstatement following an unlawful termination.

Other violations of employees' rights may be related to discrimination based on age, race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy or other family status, or other protected factors. Employees who experience discrimination may need to document these incidents and file complaints. Freedman Law, LLC can provide the legal support needed to address discrimination and obtain compensation for the harm employees have suffered.

Other Employment Law Issues Freedman Law, LLC Can Help Address

Freedman Law, LLC can provide representation in cases involving issues such as:

  • Sexual Harassment: Our lawyers can help employees who have been affected by unwanted sexual advances, inappropriate physical contact, offensive jokes or comments, or other words or actions of a sexual nature. We can take steps to hold harassers and employers accountable for the harm employees have suffered in these situations.
  • Unpaid Wages: Employees are entitled to be paid for the work they perform, yet wage theft, unpaid overtime, minimum wage violations, and other illegal practices may affect their rightful compensation. If an employer has failed to pay an employee for all hours worked or has engaged in other forms of wage theft, Freedman Law, LLC can help recover the wages owed through legal action.
  • Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure Agreements: Employment contracts or severance agreements may include clauses that place restrictions on employees, but these terms must be reasonable to be enforceable. Freedman Law, LLC can assist employees in negotiating favorable terms and defending against overly restrictive agreements that limit a person's employment opportunities.

Contact Our Towson, Maryland Discrimination and Retaliation Attorneys

Freedman Law, LLC works to ensure that employees are treated fairly and with respect in the workplace. We can also provide legal representation for employers as they address employment law concerns. Serving Towson, Maryland and the surrounding areas, our lawyers are committed to protecting our clients' rights and helping them resolve employment law issues effectively. Call 410-290-6230 or contact us to arrange a consultation.

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