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Bethesda Employment Law Attorneys

Bethesda, MD Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Lawyers

Employees who encounter employment law issues may find that their professional and personal lives have been affected. Serious concerns about unfair treatment in the workplace or illegal actions by employers can lead to a loss of income, limited job opportunities, and other negative effects. In Bethesda, Maryland, Freedman Law, LLC provides legal help and representation for both private sector employees and federal government workers, helping them protect their rights and address violations by their employers. Our skilled attorneys can provide guidance to employees as they address legal issues, and we can also assist employers in resolving disputes and maintaining compliance with the law.

Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In far too many workplaces, employees experience sexual harassment, which can affect their career opportunities, undermine their ability to perform their jobs, and impact their mental and emotional well-being. Sexual harassment can take many forms, including unwanted advances, inappropriate comments, or "quid pro quo" situations where job benefits are contingent upon sexual favors.

At Freedman Law, LLC, our attorneys help victims of sexual harassment by providing clear guidance on how to document harassing behavior, file legal complaints, and take action to address the financial and personal concerns that an employee has experienced. We are committed to holding harassers accountable and ensuring that our clients receive justice.

Responding to Employment Discrimination

All employees should be treated equally, but there are many situations where employers may engage in discrimination based on factors such as age, sexual orientation, race, gender, religion, or disability. Discriminatory practices may play a role in hiring decisions, promotions, pay disparities, and other issues that affect employees. Freedman Law, LLC is dedicated to fighting discrimination by helping employees understand their rights under federal and state laws. Our lawyers can help employees file discrimination claims and seek remedies that may include compensation, reinstatement, and policy changes within a company.

Legal Support for Retaliation and Wrongful Termination

Retaliation occurs when an employer punishes an employee for engaging in legally protected activities, such as reporting discrimination, sexual harassment, or safety violations. Retaliation can take many forms, including demotions, reduced hours, unfavorable work assignments, or wrongful termination. The attorneys at Freedman Law, LLC help employees in Bethesda by gathering evidence that their employers have violated the law, filing complaints with the relevant agencies, and providing legal representation as our clients in court to seek justice and compensation for the losses they have suffered.

Recovering Unpaid Wages

Wage theft and unpaid wages can have a significant effect on employees, leading to substantial financial losses. These cases may involve issues such as worker misclassification, failure to pay overtime, or requiring employees to perform unpaid labor. Freedman Law, LLC can help employees recover unpaid wages by investigating claims, negotiating with employers, and taking legal action if necessary. We work to ensure that our clients receive the full compensation they are owed for their work, including back pay and any applicable penalties.

Securing Disability Accommodations

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities, as long as these accommodations do not impose an undue hardship on the business. Unfortunately, some employers fail to meet their obligations and deny employees the accommodations they need to perform their jobs effectively.

Our attorneys can assist employees in Bethesda by advocating for their right to receive reasonable accommodations. We can help clients navigate the process of requesting accommodations, negotiating with employers, and taking legal action if those requests are unjustly denied. Our goal is to ensure that employees with disabilities can work in environments that are inclusive and supportive.

Family Medical Leave

Employees who work for companies that meet certain requirements have the right to take time off for the birth or adoption of a child, to care for an immediate family member's medical and personal needs, or to receive medical treatment for serious illnesses or health issues. However, some employers may unlawfully deny family medical leave or retaliate against employees for taking it.

Freedman Law, LLC helps employees protect their rights as they work to resolve disputes over denied leave or retaliation. We can help our clients ensure that they will be able to take necessary leave without fear of losing their jobs or facing other adverse actions.

Legal Assistance for Federal Employees

People who work for federal government agencies in and around Bethesda may face unique legal challenges when dealing with employment law issues. Freedman Law, LLC has extensive experience representing federal employees in these matters. We can assist with cases involving:

  • Whistleblower Retaliation: Federal employees who report issues such as fraud, inefficiency, safety issues, or legal violations are protected by whistleblower laws. However, these employees may face retaliation, including demotion, reassignment, or termination. Our attorneys help federal whistleblowers by filing retaliation complaints with the relevant government agencies and making sure they take the correct legal action to protect their careers and reputations.
  • EEO Complaints: People who have encountered discrimination or harassment within federal agencies will need to follow specific procedures when making complaints regarding equal employment opportunity (EEO). At Freedman Law, LLC, we assist federal employees with filing complaints, and we can also provide representation in hearings held by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
  • Union Issues: Unionized federal employees may face issues related to collective bargaining, unfair labor practices, or grievances. Our attorneys provide legal support for union members, helping them understand their rights, representing them in disputes, and ensuring that their voices are heard during negotiations.

Contact Our Bethesda, Maryland Employment Lawyers

Freedman Law, LLC can help employees address and resolve employment law challenges in Bethesda and other nearby cities. Our experienced attorneys work to ensure that employees receive the fair treatment they deserve, and we can also help employers resolve disputes and implement policies to maintain legal compliance. Contact us at 410-290-6230 to arrange a consultation and get legal help with employment law concerns.

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