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Reston, VA Employment Lawyers

Employment Law Attorneys for Discrimination and Retaliation in Reston, VA

Employment laws protect the rights of employees and ensure that employers treat their workers fairly and lawfully. Whether you are an employee facing unfair treatment or an employer who needs to make sure your business complies with legal standards, Freedman Law, LLC can provide the legal help you need. Our attorneys help our clients protect their rights and resolve disputes. We are committed to ensuring that employees receive fair treatment in the workplace.

Discrimination Affecting Employees

Employers may engage in discrimination and treat employees unfairly based on protected characteristics. Employees in Reston may face discrimination in many ways, including:

  • Race: Employees may experience unfair treatment due to their ethnicity, skin color, or national origin. For example, they may be passed over for promotions or experience a hostile work environment due to racially offensive behavior.
  • Age: Workers aged 40 and older are protected against age-based discrimination, which may include demotion, termination, or exclusion from training programs.
  • Gender: This form of discrimination may involve unequal pay for people in equivalent positions, being denied promotions, or experiencing different standards during performance evaluations.
  • Sexual orientation: Discrimination committed against LGBTQ+ employees may include harassment or denial of job benefits.
  • Disability: Employees with physical or mental disabilities have the right to receive reasonable accommodations that allow them to perform their job duties. Employees may pursue discrimination claims against employers who refuse to provide reasonable accommodations.
  • Pregnancy: Employees may face multiple forms of discrimination when they become pregnant or have children, including the denial of job opportunities, retaliation or termination related to maternity leave, or failure to provide accommodations such as private areas for pumping breast milk.

If you believe you have been discriminated against at work, Freedman Law, LLC can help you file the proper complaints or pursue legal action against your employer. Our attorneys will help you seek justice and hold your employer accountable for discriminatory practices. We can also provide assistance to employers who need to address concerns related to discrimination complaints.

Retaliation in the Workplace

Employers are prohibited from taking adverse actions against employees who engage in legal activities and behaviors. Employees may face retaliation after reporting discrimination, participating in sexual harassment investigations, informing law enforcement about legal violations, or asking their employer to address safety issues in the workplace. Retaliation can take many forms, including:

  • Demotion or reduction in hours: An employer may attempt to punish an employee by cutting their pay or limiting their job duties.
  • Wrongful Termination: Firing an employee after they file a complaint or participate in an investigation is one of the most severe forms of retaliation.
  • Hostile work environment: Employers may foster a hostile atmosphere or subject the employee to increased scrutiny and unwarranted criticism after they engage in protected activity.

Employees who face retaliation can take legal action to address the harm they have suffered. Freedman Law, LLC helps employees file retaliation claims and recover compensation for the damages caused by their employers' illegal actions. We can also help employers resolve disputes related to retaliation or wrongful termination.

Wage Theft and Unpaid Wages

There are some situations where employers may not pay employees the full amount they are legally entitled to based on the work they have performed. employees may need to address wage and hour violations such as:

  • Unpaid overtime: Employers may try to avoid paying overtime by misclassifying employees as exempt from overtime pay requirements or failing to track their hours accurately.
  • Withholding wages: Some employers unlawfully withhold an employee's final paycheck or deduct improper expenses from wages.
  • Failure to pay minimum wage: Employers must pay employees at least the minimum wage for all hours worked, and any violations of minimum wage laws constitute wage theft.

If you are a victim of wage theft, you can take legal action to recover the wages you are owed. Freedman Law, LLC can help you file a wage claim or pursue a lawsuit against your employer. We can also work with employers to resolve disputes related to unpaid wages.

Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete Agreements

Employees may be required to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) or non-compete agreements as part of employment contracts or severance agreements. These agreements are designed to protect an employer's confidential information and prevent former employees from engaging in unfair competition. However, these agreements must meet specific legal requirements, and they must be reasonable in the restrictions placed on employees.

If you are asked to sign an NDA or non-compete agreement, or if you believe an existing agreement is overly restrictive, Freedman Law, LLC can help you understand your rights and options. Our attorneys can review contracts or legal agreements and help you negotiate terms that will allow you to succeed in your career. We can also help employers take steps to enforce employment agreements or address violations by former employees.

Contact Our Reston Employment Law Attorneys

With the right legal guidance, employees and employers can resolve employment law disputes while protecting their rights. At Freedman Law, LLC, we can help address issues related to discrimination, wage theft, retaliation, and other legal concerns that may affect our clients. Set up a consultation by contacting us at 410-290-6230 today.

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